Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Summer Maths Activities

Pencils out, sit up and if you've lost it, it's your own fault. Why not get the young people of your family to have a go at some of Peak Mathematics summer challenges? Many of them feature ancient coaches travelling to unknown destinations in conditions, but that's what the kids want, right? Extra points for anyone who can come up with a message written on the screen of an upside-down Texas Instruments 1104.
Having settled into the new abode, and given that the rain and wind are howling mercilessly, there should be a little bit more activity around here from now on.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

The Riddley Walker Mixtape on Acid Mist

The house move is complete and Summer is acumen in your hair, so I thought it was about time for a quick update. Not here of course (yet), but there is something brewing over at Acid Mist. So click over to the right and enjoy the bucolic sounds of a decaying post-nuclear holocaust society denuded of people and civilisation as we know it, relying only on the scraps of teachings passed down through the collective cultural mind!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Acid Mist

New! Nieuw! Noveau! Click for information ..

Sunday, 9 March 2014

between channels on Spotify

Many years ago when I started this blog, I developed a Spotify playlist in parallel with it to send me off to pleasant dreamy lands or to softly caress my ears whilst sitting on the 95 bus to town in the rain, feeling a bit sick. It was for my ears only, and no-one elses! Then yesterday, I thought; 'Why don't I share this playlist with all of 110 followers of this blog, the folk who read for the daily updates and little nuggets I post daily, every day?' So here it is. There's the advert for donuts with Johnny Cash ("You can get a free signed photo of good old Horace Logan!"), Ken Nordine talking to aliens ("Women? Well, heh, they're very precious to us"), lots of soundtracks, library music and other delights besides. Plus a really awful poem read in a very boring way. See if you can find it. And 'Hovercraft' by Brian Bennett, which is the music I intend to have at my hovercraft-themed funeral. As an aside, sorry about the vast delays between posting, I've just decided to do other things. Soon I'll be moving house to a far off part of Sheffield which means I'll probably have much more time to do online things and indulge my hobbies (such as watching Jeremy Brett in Supernatural's 'Mr. Nightingale' over and over again) so perhaps I'll be around more. I'm sure I will. And Tom, if you are reading this, 'Mr. Nightingale' is the best piece of old telly ever, especially the scene with the fish. Remember the fish. Speak to you all soon!