Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Brian Wilde Season on Sheffield Cablevision #1

There's something about the sheer, visceral nature of old PIFs that make them truly compelling viewing. The piercing screams, the smouldering acrylic polo necks and anoraks, the murky backgrounds ... they have an artlessness that is jarring in today's era of viral adverts and marketing-driven blandness. In addition, it's good to see that someone cared about you - children today wouldn't be warned on prime-time television about the danger of power lines (although to be fair not that many modern children would attempt to launch their steel-masted yacht on a canalside - it's all carbon fibre these days).

The presence of the late Brian Wilde on narration duties adds a certain urgency to the message - as if Foggy was just off camera, vigorously jabbing his walking stick at the young yachtsmen and fisher-folk before regaling them with a made-up war story.

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