Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Lost Objects


What with the pram in the hall being the enemy of buying secondhand magazines, books and records and all that, I don't really do this anymore. Items long-earmarked for posting have been bound up and stored away whilst the nursery gets another shelf unit for between channels junior's books. There are some very beautiful children's books out there at the moment, many of them self-consciously harking back to the 60s and 60s. Anyway, I don't have any more stuff to put on here at the moment is what I'm saying, and my amount of posting has certainly dropped off over the last 3 years!

Many blogs have transferred to tumblr, which a. I hate and b. Am too old to start trying to like. Others have shut down, like found objects, which was my gateway drug into this world, so to speak. It would be super to know what happened to it, so if anyone knows please drop me a line as I don't have all of the old scans or objects anymore. I'm not deleting between channels but will be investigating something else. There's too much material on it to delete, and I like to think that someone out there is still interested in old shopping centres and 80s grandparents.  If anything new pops up I will put it on. If anything new is spawned on the web, you will be the first to know. But that's it for now.

Be seeing you!


  1. Hope to see you in some forms in the future. Like Found Objects, yours is a site we shouldn't lose.

  2. So sad to see Found Objects deleted / removed too. Don't go! We need blogs like yours to remain sane

  3. I am still interested in old shopping centers and 80s grandparents.
    Also pram-related slowing down on my side. I find Twitter ok for quick posts of phone pics of found objects (rather than fancy scans like in the old days).

    1. Hi dispo, look out for an invitation to FO

  4. Found Objects will be returning soon - tonight, if I get my arse in gear. Keith and I have resurrected a bunch of the old posts (a fairly random selection from cached pages etc) and intend to continue as before with as many of the old contributors as we can get and a bunch of new ones, hopefully. I'll post here again when it's live.

    BC, I know you're going to be busy but can I add you as a contributor anyway? Even if it's just one post a year or whatever?

    Btw, if you log in to Blogger any images you uploaded to Found Objects should still be there.

  5. Here we go:


  6. عملية نقل الأثاث "العزال" عملية ليست بسهلة خاصتا اذا كان البيت يتضمن علي العديد من الاغراض التي تخاف عليها من الكسر او الفقدان. ومع توتر صاحب البيت علي اغراضه يفكر ويقول ليته كان بإمكاني حزم البيت كما هو ونقله الي البيت الحديث دون ان اقلق من عدم تذكر او خسارة او كسر اي شيء أيضا يفكر صاحب البيت في الوقت المستغرق والجهد الذي يحتاجه لنقل اغراضه الي البيت الحديث.
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى القصيم
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى الجبيل
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى ابها
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى الدمام
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى جده
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى الخبر
